Sword Art Online: Unleash Blading is an RPG based on the third season of the popular anime Sword Art Online (SAO). This turn-based RPG has...
184 k downloads
Coromon is an RPG with an entire world to explore as you catch and train all the Coromon you can. Although this RPG is influenced...
221.6 k downloads
DIGIMON ReArise is a role-playing game where you go on all kinds of adventures in the Digimon universe. This is an RPG with an original...
60.6 k downloads
Pocket Mortys is a role-playing game that's obviously inspired by Pokemon. Here, you play Rick, who has to capture all the Mortys in different parallel...
405.9 k downloads
See if you can become the world's best monster trainer in Bulu Monster, a turn-based RPG with gameplay similar to the legendary game Pokémon.
Start a...
112.8 k downloads
The Seven Deadly Sins: Grand Cross is an excellent RPG that lets you experience the original story of the popular manga created by Nakaba Suzuki...
377 k downloads
takt op. Symphony is an entertaining symphonic RPG game that aims to restore harmony to the world through music. The main characters are girls called...
4.6 k downloads
Tower of God: New World is a game for Android devices based on the webcomic Tower of God, created by Lee Jong Hui. This story...
6.1 k downloads
The Digimon Saga is turning 20 years old in 2017. And they're out to celebrate by releasing a newly minted Android SRPG. This time...
118.8 k downloads
Exos Heroes is an RPG that follows along the same line as classics from the genre for consoles. What this game has to offer is...
45.7 k downloads